English Editing

English Editing

Our language experts

Zibeline International language editors are PhDs or PhD candidates. All are native English speakers with excellent communication skills. To meet our demanding requirements, they undergo extensive training and have frequent performance reviews. All managing editors have a scientific background.

The editing process

Only two people will ever see your manuscript: a managing editor and a language editor. Both have signed confidentiality agreements and all documentation will be deleted after 6 months.

The managing editor reviews your manuscript and assigns a subject relevant language editor, who edits the manuscript. The managing editor reviews your manuscript before it is returned to you.

Within seven business days, you will receive an e-mail that your manuscript is ready. Log-in at any time to check the status.

What we do

  • Correct spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors
  • Check for problems in parallelisms, tense and conjugations
  • Eliminate improper language and poor word choice
  • Conform to your choice of British or American English
  • All changes are tracked for your approval

What we don’t do

  • Journal recommendation or format manuscripts according to a specific Journal guidelines
  • Shorten documents as per Journal
  • Edit the scientific or medical content
  • Verify, edit or format references
  • Write, re-write or paraphrase any part of the manuscript

Please note that this service is not mandatory for publication in a Zibeline International Journals.  Using this service does not guarantee selection for peer review or acceptance.  Neither are you obliged to submit your edited manuscript to a Zibeline International Journals.